Tuesday, January 17, 2006


January 17, 2006

Welcome to my first blog. I hadn't planned on starting a blog until just about now. Not even 15minutes ago had I planned on it. But here I am.

I have been dealing with Bronchitis for the past week and a half. Right after I returned from my New Orleans trip I had gotten sick. I believe that it was my body complaining about leaving New Orleans and returning to craptastic Los Angeles.

Yeah, well that's the basis of this blog for now. Yackin' about my insane love of New Orleans.
I might post about a dozen pics of New Orleans. I will rate various parts of the city and businesses.

Sit tight and enjoy the tour. Or not. I hope someone can get something out of this little ramble of a blog.


At 10:08 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Hello there!

I saw your post on sark and wanted to say hi to another bloggite. I started sort of as a lark (bored at work before the holidays lol) and am now quite addicted!

Hope you have fun blogging. I sure do

At 12:48 PM, Blogger DeNisey said...

Thank you Kelly! I am going slow w/ this, but am sure I'll fill it with much rambling! LOL


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