Sunday, January 22, 2006

I've been hit with inspiration and total lack of sleep. YAY *~insomnia~*

Someone in a forum mentioned that they put on an art show at their house. I WANNA DO THAT!!

I've been whining about lack of ideas. About how in the world can I further promote my art without spending $$ (which I don't have). This is a GREAT idea because I could advertise w/ flyers and forums and such.

And since it would be marketed as an Art one should feel pressured to purchase. So if they do, it's because they want to!

Now I have to plan this new project out. On one hand it should be incredibly simple. On the other hand, there could be difficulties.

For now, I am happy with posting this in public; getting it out of my head and in print. There. I've said it. Now I can work on it.


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