Thursday, March 05, 2009

Staff Retreat

Yeah so...tomorrow our company is having a "staff retreat" at 8:30 in the morning.
How long is this retreat? A day. Where is it? In some CLASSROOM at UNO. Some "retreat". Why can't we do what real places do and go to the country or something?! We're at the lakefront, so why can't we be ON the lakefront?! a classroom with fluorescent lighting.

Anyways, it's more of a "team building" exercise kind of day. If they give us the exercise of "catch your partner", there are going to be a lot of bruised heads! I'm not catching anyone! Personally, I think this retreat is a cute idea, but I hardly expect it to "work". If anything, it's going to bring up some animosity amongst the employees and start some shit. They sent us some questions to answer before hand. One of the questions was something like, "what do you not like about your position"...huzzah! Watch the fur fly, people. I get the feeling there's gonna be some poo flingin. I, for one, didn't hold back with my answer. I'm a supervisor. So naturally, my answer is employees who don't listen, and give me lip. Makes me wanna maul. I didn't add the last sentence; it's just the truth.

Furthermore, this thing is at 8:30 in the f*kn morning!!!! Anyone who knows me knows that this sucks donkey balls. First, I have NEVER been a morning person. Sure, I'll be there. I'll do it. But I will be spitting hatred and bile until I've had a decent mocha latte with extra whipped cream. I can't be in a meeting at 8:30 in the morning; that's my body's regulated sh*tting time! How am I going to pay attention to a lecture when my body is wanting to explode?!?!?!

This is hardly a "retreat". Retreats entail nature, fun, "getting away from it all", etc. This is going to be pain and humiliation and a lot of "f*k you". It'll be interesting to see how people treat each other AFTER this little hug circle. Once everyone has let the group know how much they hate each other and wish some people would quit. I don't see this as a love in. Seriously. I hear what people say. Now they're going to be forced to say in at a ridiculously early hour?! PLUS find parking or take the bus? Yeah...nice

I wonder who's going to bring the rabid badger?


At 9:55 AM, Blogger bobbie said...

So ~ how did it go??? Did you explode??
bobbie from SARK

At 12:46 AM, Blogger DeNisey said...

No explosion. It was better than I thought. But I did take 2 bathroom breaks!


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