Sunday, March 15, 2009


Tonight will begin the daunting task of sorting ALLLLL my beads.

Let's see, that's 3 Mardi Gras, 3 St. Pats, 2 Easters, 2 Southern Decadences (or is it Decadi?)...that's a butt~load of beads!

But I have too many, and sooo many are the smaller, not~so~flashy beads. I can do without. I mean, what am I going to do with them, anyways? They're all just sitting in bags, not being looked at.

SO!!! Since I decided last night to give beads to parade riders/marchers, it's time to sort out the things I can do without. much work!

And Sam had asked for me to bundle and I realize that I don't have a stapler. Dag~nabbit (yeah, i said it)

It's going to be kinda cleansing to release possession of end the hording of beads (not "whoring for beads", which is another thing altogether).

For the sake of randomly switching topics, tomorrow the gym day & THE MALL!!!! (omg, becky). It'll be nice to be out of the house and even (dare I say) out of Nola proper. I like malls. There, I said it. I like MALLS. mmmmmmmmmm

That's it; just thought I'd blog about NOTHING. Oh, just remembered that I told Sam I'd blog about something he I can't remember what. But I think it was something that vexed me. Yeah, vexed. Well...until I remember what it is, I'll get to work on those beads.


At 12:16 AM, Blogger CrookedCharisma said...

Vexed is so appropriate. I had asked you to group the beads so we could use them for throws and told ya where to get the stapler from. Anyway, have fun at the mall and get me something monkish.

At 4:06 PM, Blogger DeNisey said...

monkish? i didn't find anything monkish...

i FORGOT the stapler. BUT good news...i had caught some things already bundled...or in there ya go...i will show you which bag has what at some point


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