Saturday, March 21, 2009


PMS is making me a thundercunt.

Worked today in a foul mood. Not much pleased me. Pisses me off that when people see I'm in this kind of mood, they still wanna poke at me and don't understand the backlash. Crying about being picked on, when they test my patience on a non~patience day.

Another thing that pisses me off. I'm missing the 1st meeting of the Pirate Wenches (of which I'm joining) on Wednesday. Gotta work that night. ANNNND gotta work an hour and a half LATER than normal, thanks to the Hornets. As if I give a rats ass about that crap! But it's the job that pays my rent. So until something else comes along, I don't have a choice.

I would like to say that I look FANTASTIC in my corset. Wednesday, after work, I'm meeting up with the wenches for drinks. At least I won't miss that. And I'll wear the corset with my jeans. Rocker Wench, I guess. Just work with me on this for a minute! I'm a starter~kit chick right now and have to build up my wench wardrobe. I'll be sure to bring a camera so I can post pics on Myspace.

I won't be flat broke this week. I've been buying lots of beans and other CHEAP but lasting groceries. Stretches the dollar and beans are great nutrition. Plus, patience is the biggest thing that goes into beans because ya gotta soak them overnight, then cook them for a few years. So don't start beans on an empty stomach.

THANK GAWD (and Brigid) that this coming Friday is payday. I put in for some PTO to beef up my paycheck. Giving myself almost 80hrs.

I applied to work in juvenile corrections. My coworker started there about a month ago and told me they're hiring. I did an online application and now can twiddle my thumbs til I get a phone call or email. She said, "don't be surprised if they call you Monday". I told her to not toy with my emotions. I REALLY want the OP Sheriffs. But not only do they have this damned hiring freeze, but they're now talking about LAY OFFS. Sonofabitch. *~sigh~*

Well, just gotta get through tomorrow's 8hrs and then I get Monday off. Laundry and gym. Maybe clean up the house a bit...just a bit. Maybe enjoy the Garden District; take a camera and get some spring pics.

Guess that's enough bitching for now. I almost feel better. Almost...


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