Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson Died Today...Age 50

While at the company BBQ, watching people play volleyball, a rumor came up that Michael Jackson was dead. One of the women playing ball picked up her cell phone. She got a look on her face and said, "Don't say that!" Then she turns to her friend and says, "She's saying Michael Jackson died!" She goes back to the phone and then tell hers friend they're saying it's a heart attack. The woman walks away and the game ends.

The crazy thing was as soon as she said that and walked away, a bunch of people got on their cell phones and blackberries to call people or get online to confirm the rumor. I even tried to call 2 people...neither answered the phone.

Finally, when I was a few blocks from home, Dedra called back saying she was watching the breaking news. The news was not confirming his death yet, but that he was in the hospital.

By the time I got home, all the news channels WERE confirming that Michael Jackson died of Cardiac Arrest at the age of 50.

What can I say that everyone hasn't already said? Hasn't everyone my age grown up with the posters on the wall, the music, videos? I was watching Sheppard Smith & he was reminiscing about watching the debut of Thriller. Oh man! I remember that, too!!! I was living in Corona California with my mom and we were glued to the television. It was an EVENT, not just a special. I was a fanatic, really. Any pic or article went on my wall. I bought his autobiography AND MOONWALKER...his movie. I, infact, had RESERVED my copy before it even came out!

Now, over the past 15 years, there have been upsetting trials and rumors. Let's remember that he was found NOT guilty. I think people wanted to believe he was guilty. Yeah, he was getting weird. But if you really look at his childhood and his father's treatment of the entire family...he was damaged.

Gawd, I think I have to come back later to add on...I'm too tired from work!!


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