Saturday, June 06, 2009


Yep. Still wide awake & got a few more ideas rolling around.

Let me back up to something from the previous blog. We're going to miss Andy. He was a fabulous employee. Smart, did what he was asked, had initiative, FUN, etc...So we're definitely going to suffer a loss. Damn. I had great conversations with him! Oh well. We can't be selfish and hold him back. We'll hopefully see him again...and next time, he'll be in BLUE! YAY ANDY!!!

Donnie's been seen driving around & I feel soooo proud of him!!! Don't know why I fee like, "my baby's made it"...cuz he's not my baby; or even younger than me. But I just feel all motherly about this. Which is sick, considering what happened during the ranger rituals. DIGRESSING SOME MORE

I forgot to mention earlier that with my paycheck, I "hid" $$$ from myself so i wouldn't carelessly spend it. And yes, I put a reminder in my phone. It'll give me an alarm in a few days telling me where I put it. Cuz LAWD forbid I forget. So that's good; rationing my cash so I don't end up as flat fucking broke as I just did. I swear, it was LITERALLY painful. And sometimes I allow pride to keep me from asking for help. Sam even offered to give me some cash the other day and I declined. Even though I really needed it. I didn't want to take $$ out of his pocket. In hindsight, I wish I had. But that's all said & done. More importantly, I have to make sure I don't allow myself to get that broke. I can't recall where it even went! How irresponsible is that?!

I've been thinking lately that I should make some jewelry. I seperately some pieces that need to be re~worked. Either I didn't like them or there's a flaw. But those pieces are just collecting dust, so I might has well give them new life.

Do you remember when I donated some jewelry to the auction for Sams friends memorial? Well I found out today that Sams 2 friends were the ones who won them!!! Sam didn't even know because he was in the background of the event. That's cool!!!! Wow.

Let's see...what else was there???

I need a good sports bra. Yeah, almost TMI. But not terribly. But if I'm going to start trying to jog, I need to strap the girls in. Right now, Aqua Teen Hunger Force is on. It's a repeat from earlier. But hey, I don't even really care because it's just backgroung noise.

I think this blog is done. I keep hitting those damned mystery buttons again.


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