Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Waiting For Payday

Danielle says she thinks this weeks hash is going to be a pain with lots of shiggy. So she says it's probably a GOOD thing that I'm not going. Sounds good to me. I'm not in shape enough for shiggy. Also, apparently this particular hare gets people lost. So eh.

I ran into my stalker while at Wednesday @ the Square tonight. NOT COOL. This dude always seems to find me. He's extra creepy. Someone I'm actually kind of...scared of. But I digress. I just hope I'm never alone when he sees me. It'll be fighting time!!!

OMG I can NOT wait til Friday. I'm beyond ready to get paid!!! I've got to try and "hide" some $$$ from myself so it'll last longer. Also going to have a "hash jar" so I'll be able to attend ALL the hashes.

I can't wait to get registered for the Red Dress. Now, I'll have to get in better shape and find a red dress.

I will attempt to get to bed kinda early tonight. Not sure how successful I'll be.



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