Thursday, April 16, 2009

Middle of the Night

I should be going to bed now.

But of course, I am being naughty with coffee and can't even think of sleep. I have to get up @ 7:30am (maybe 7:50) to prepare for Danielle coming at 8:30am. I gotta cinch into my wench costume by then. We are asked to arrive @ 9am and the parade rolls @ 10am. Danielle wants to meet up & get drinks first.

It occurred to me that this is the 3rd parade I've walked in this year!!! I wasn't prepared at all for the KOE, because I didn't know I'd be invited. I passed out all my goodies way too soon for the Pyratecon parade. This time, I have maybe too many beads. I'm not running out early tomorrow. There's no way!

I have included some seriously kick ass throws this time. I shall be the envy perhaps! It wasn't as hard to let go of some of the things as I thought. Ya know how us bead whores are! And I still have freakin 6 bags of beads that I've chosen to keep. I mean...come on!

Passing out the beads was fun!!!!! I found myself hooking up the kids with stuff; especially the girls! They were in awe with the whole parade last time, to begin with.

...I can't believe my 35th birthday is a week and a half away and I haven't even started making plans. I mean, what's up with that?!!!! I'm kinda hoping to rope some of the rangers together for some kind of shindig. We'll see. Alas, my Aussie friend had a set back and won't be here in time to celebrate my Bday. *~sigh~*

Since time flies so fast these days, I can't help but realize that 40 is around the corner. I mean, 2008 was here & gone before I realized it! It seems more & more that I'm saying "it seems like it was yesterday"...Well. I'm trying to not obsess on the 40...just make it to 35 and keep going.

Hhhhhmmm....I wonder if there's any chance the Wenches wanna do something? I smell rum cake!!!!!!! We'll see. It's a Tuesday and I'm half~tempted to just work my normal hours. I'll decide that when it gets here.

There's all this talk about the "bucket list"...Well, I started writing mine and realized that it's kinda short and sad. I mean, I have dreams. But when I am prompted to write them down, I blank after about 10 things. I guess I'm too damned simple. Does that mean there's something wrong with me?

I guess that's it for now.


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