Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Not qualified for the "YouthCare Worker" position at juvenile corrections.

Kinda saw that coming, though. But I thought I'd give it a shot. There's a rumor going around that the sheriff freeze won't be lifted until freakin JULY. Okay, breathe. At least I have a job. I have ways to TRY and make it enjoyable. But dammit. I'm getting pissed and impatient.

New Topic: Petty Ass Bitches

Oh yeah, people. I'm going there. So here's the deal: Awhile back my long~ago boyfriend cheated on me...then came back, still with the chick and THEN, to make this even more "springer show", introduced us.

WELL...this chick has since thought that I must seriously CARE about how she goes on & on about the dude being oh~so~wonderful. It was only fitting that he was cheating on me, because I was bored and annoyed with him and his girlish whining about everything.

It seemed as if she THOUGHT she was rubbing their "perfect" relationship in my face. She had him; I didn't. She thought she won. But I think I won because I don't have to deal with him anymore.

I know this guy better than she thinks. He wasn't pleasant and had nothing going for him. Plus, he said some awful things about her to me...as he cheated on her with me. I'm not saying I'm perfect. I'm just saying I'm very very good. I digress.

WELL...then they move in together and she keeps sending me messages about how she's gushing with joy...at the same time sending me messages about her being plagued by the fact that he cheated on her with me. I'm like "yawn; you're problem now".

Then this year, they get married. And she swears it's just so wonderful. I personally think she's in denial and he's in hell--only basing that on the things he's said about her. Why they got married? For her, all her friends are married. She's gotta be in that wives club. Him? They're eventually moving to Florida to live in a huge house HER parents are GIVING them. He scored a free house.

Well of course she's attempting to rub their magical life in my face. I think she's full of it. On my myspace, I tell my friend so. This chick goes onto MY FRIENDS page and reads this. Decides she's going to send me some condescending, petty, bitter letter about how she's "sorry for flaunting her happiness in my sad face". She honestly believes I'm upset that she won this man. OMFG...and then she quietly deletes me from her friends list.

That was cowardly and cheap. It was grade school bullshit and she looks like a stalker for fishing my friends myspace page. She claims to be a therapist, but it looks like she needs the counseling. Don't most therapists, anyway?!

Long story short, there's this crazy chick obsessed with the idea of clinging to me and flaunting her fake life in my face. I'm not bitter that he left me. I was going to do it anyway. I'm not bitter that they're happy. My point is that I frankly don't give a damn, either way! And I think she's crazy and lying about how fantastic everything is.

Of course I responded to her letter--putting all this in there. She never responded. I don't expect her to. That would be owning her words and being an adult woman. I don't think she's capable.

I just had to share the ridiculous stuff going on right now.

In the meantime, my friend Jen and I are playing "status wars" on myspace. It's a silly time. Look at me...I'm being silly.


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