Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Is This Thing On???

Insomnia Strikes Again

What's a girl gotta do to get some DEEP SLEEP?!!!?!!!

Yeah sure, I did down like a huge mug of coffee, but that's besides the point. I SAID THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT!!!!!

So leave it to me to not have enough money for this weeks hash. I mean, $5.50 is more than I can afford. Nice, huh??? Yeah, I don't have LESS than $6. It's hilarious; payday is Friday. A day late & a dollar short. LITERALLY.

Which sucks for a few reasons. #1: I'm that fuckin broke. #2: This would be my 3rd hash in a row, getting me that much closer to that drinking vessel I want. #3: The theme is FAIRIES...HOLY CRAP!!!!!

Sigh. I've decided that I'll make a hash jar and put $20 in there each payday. That will supply me with 3 weeks of hash dough. Thus, money won't be a reason for me to miss out. I have a hash shirt, so costume will NEVER be a reason. Not to mention that few people have costumed the last 2 times. I digress.

But ya know, it's alright. For one, this hash is suppose to possibly have "shiggy". That's like obstacles and shit. Like going through ponds/lakes or through bushes or over walls. Fuck shiggy. For now. When I get in better shape, shiggy will be okay. But not yet. For two, it might also RAIN and I don't know if I'll be in the mood for running in the rain. Listen to me: "running". Yeah right, LOLOLOLOL

BUT...silver lining time!!!...Friday IS payday and I've got damned~near 80hrs. So I'm giving Danielle $$ so she can put my Red Dress registration on her card. Monday will include buying a sports bra and possibly compression shorts. Red ones if I find them (for the red dress). I feel like there's something I'm forgetting, but oh well.

Ya know, it's almost 2am and I'm just sitting here watching Family Guy, wishing I was tired. I'm not. It's okay, KINDA, because I'm not due at work until 5pm. But still. Dammit.

Just two long~ass days til payday. I hate when I get this broke. Freaking RENT. If only I could find a way to budget. But no...

The Pirates are having a picnic on a Saturday and because of work, I can't go. For the Red Dress, I've already marked myself off the calendar. It's 2 months away. There's gotta be someone who'll take my place. I mean, come on!!!

Ya know? I don't really have anything talk about. So I should go. Alright. NIGHT


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