Saturday, June 06, 2009

It's After 2am.

WOW. Wouldn't you know it. I was writing a very long & almost complete blog. Then I hit one of those fucking mystery keys on this TINY AS FUCK laptop and EVERYTHING DELETED. And I can't "undo". Son of a bitch. So let me try to start again....SIIIIIIGH.....

I'm on some um..."candy" my brain is sort of not all here. Which is fine; I just hope I can remember what the hell I was talking about! And damn...that was shaping up to be a great blog. Fucking TINY keyboard!!!!!


TODAY WAS PAYDAY...Hallelujah and all that! MEAT IS GOOD. If I even SEE another grain of rice, I'll cut something. (Yeah. I think that's how it started).

I celebrated having $$$ by buying groceries that'll last I'm guessing at least 4 days. Maybe 5-6??? Enough for me and Sam to nosh. I like to share although he doesn't always eat it. I wonder if he doesn't like my cooking??? Anyways. So all the food I bought only cost $40. Definitely far less than eating out. (hehehehe...I said "eating out")

I also paid the light bill, paid back Danielle AND gave her $$$ for the Red Dress Run.

SOOOOOO....ANDY was called by NOPD to start academy MONDAY. The class has already started, but they lost 5 people and are apparently desperate to keep the #s up. So he's being squeezed in there. Well, at least he didn't have to deal with Hell Week. Not sure if that's going to end up being good or bad.

That has Thomas going WTF, since he actually applied BEFORE Andy. So, is Thomas going to get a last minute call to come Monday or the next week? Or will he have to wait til November? Personally, I think he might want to wait til November. I mean, who wants to be 3 weeks behind in academy?! Shit, I wouldn't.

BUT ALSO...Thomas was called by the Sheriff Department about a week ago because their freeze lifted. Well gee, where was MY call? I applied before he did. So I had my own WTF. I called them and they said to come in this Monday. Okay!!! Guess I just had to grease the wheel? Or however that analogy goes. So um, this just occured to me...why is that words ROOT word "anal"???? I don't wanna know. MOVING ON!!!

SOOOO what will this mean for me? The rumor is that the Sheriffs next class is June 22nd. That's like 2 WEEKS from now. Will I finish all my testing in time? Will I be accepted at all? And then there's this...

I just got started with the pirates & hashers. And I'm REGISTERED for the Red Dress Run in August. How will being in class interfere with this??? I'm not ready to give up hashing. There's potential sex to be had there! Um. I mean, it's a great social group that will assist in my exercise and such. And sex. DIGRESSING...

But I won't knock it. If I'm offered a job with the Sheriff Department, I have to take it. It's a STATE commission. It can lead to bigger things. I'd be a fool to pass it up. If I hate it, I can always quit...and I always have a job with the rangers. In fact, when my boss heard me say there's a new class coming up in 2 weeks, his response was...."FUCK"!!!!! (and loud, too)...So I think I'd be welcomed back if necessary. I have to at least TRY to get through the sheriffs "in service".

Well...before I hit another mystery button and lose all of this, I better end this. I think I have one last thing to write, but that's the part that screwed up the last one. So I'll make it a new blog.



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