Monday, August 17, 2009

On The Verge

Something snapped in me last week. I've had my head down, plugging through the work schedule. Going back & forth between liking my job and wishing I had more "tier" experience. But this last week, I got the tier 2 &1/2 times. Yeah, 1/2...just to do roll call, then go to the sallyport.

I've been journalling, considering doing something for myself, my body, my image, etc. But when my weekends come, I sleep. All...weekend...

Well Saturday morning I came home from work and did NOT go to bed. I showered and changed into a summery yello top, brown shorts and wore my hair down. I picked out a new pink & orange necklace that popped against my top. I met up with friends I hadn't seen in the longest and went to the Riverwalk Mall for noms and window shopping.

I'm in the market for tan or neutral wedgies. My spirit needs new shoes. YES, my spirit. I haven't splurged on new shoes in the longest!!! The last pair was black sneakers for work, because my white shoes were in horrible shape. That was a necessity for work. My few other shoes are AT LEAST a year old, if not more! So I threw them all out and now need to get more.

I cleaned out my closet. 3 years of being a major pack rat. Several big bags of junk gone. I feel lighter. I have a few drawers to go through, but the big job is done.

It's now time to get mySELF together. Doing better for my body. My nutrition has been bad. Just grabbing whatever to eat at work. NOT drinking water. Exercise has dwindled because I mainly sit at work. And when you work 12-14hrs, you don't have it in you to exercise afterwards. At least I don't. But that's going to have to change. And I have no choice when my schedule changes to days.

I don't have a car. Don't want one. There is no discussion about it because I'm closed to the idea. When my schedule changes, I'll have to be at work by 6:30am. The bus on Sundays doesn't start until after then. So I'll have to walk. It's a 45minute walk. There: a bit of exercise by way of necessity. And when I have the energy, I walk home on my "last day".

Hopefully, I'll start feeling better soon once I keep to my "good health" project. More water, walking to/from work, eating more real food rather than whatever I have time to grab.

Additionally, I can't allow myself to sleep my entire 2days off. It makes me miss out on fun and keeps me groggy. I feel like I cheated myself out of Sunday. The good thing is, I can try again next weekend.

I've got a story inside of me. I can feel it. Little ideas flit around my ears. I start to journal and they run. I've got some digging to do. it too soon to think about NaNoWriMo????


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