Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Blogging About Nothing

I started with the Orleans Parish Criminal Sheriff Office July 11th. It's funny that it's been only 4 months because it feels like it's been much longer. And now, the year is closing fast and I've got some thinking to do. I love the job, so no, I'm not thinking of quitting. Just thinking of getting a transfer to another building. I feel like, by new years, I'll have learned all I can from my current placement. We'll see what they say. No clue when they'll have academy, because they keep changing the date. Sigh

I think I might totally fail at NaNoWriMo because I have zero motivation/inspiration for writing. Well, it's not like I've ever completed it before, so I'm not very choked up.

The holidays are just around the corner. I might find myself working, rather than enjoying friends. I knew that signing on for this job meant working holidays. But I am kinda bummed that I won't get to enjoy festivities with friends. I'll find a way to get through it; everyone else in this field does. Anyways, ever since I moved to Nola, I've been a sort of orphan because I have no family here.

I go back tonight...in fact, I'll have to get ready in about 30 minutes.

Monday, November 02, 2009

NaNoWriMo Starts Slow For Me

I've got a whopping 628 words and it's mostly crap. But hey, it's better than zero words.

Tonight's the Saints game. They have several injuries, so it's questionable who they'll play. But so far, they're undefeated. I'm going to some random bar/restaurant on Bourbon to get the full effect of a crowd. Gawd, I hope they win!!! Who Dat????

Geaux Saints and NaNo...(cough)...

Sunday, November 01, 2009


Being loopy is sometimes the by~product of working over 12hrs. And with Daylight Savings hitting this morning, I worked 13 & 1/2hrs. So I was crazy when I got home. Sam was awake and was unlucky enough to be caught in the tornado of my insanity. Between making coffee and can't even recall all that happened. I just know that I might have come really close to being admitted to the psych ward. LMAO

Yeah that whole Black Dress Run...too much "running" than I'm prepared for and it's less than 3hrs from now. I'm painfully exhausted and can't feel the motivation to get involved. Instead, I might just stalk some coworkers and end up walking more than the run. HA!!! Now that's smart thinking!!!

I was going to blame SAM for something in here, but I forgot what it was...maybe he can chime in and remind me. Tee~hee!!!! Maybe it was something about a bowl or ...hhhhmmmm...nope. Really can't remember.

It's November and I've got to start putting together my NaNo. Maybe I'll find some inspiration on these 2 days off. Since I am ditching my main plot idea later today. Sigh. The failed life of a failed writer.