Blogging About Nothing
I started with the Orleans Parish Criminal Sheriff Office July 11th. It's funny that it's been only 4 months because it feels like it's been much longer. And now, the year is closing fast and I've got some thinking to do. I love the job, so no, I'm not thinking of quitting. Just thinking of getting a transfer to another building. I feel like, by new years, I'll have learned all I can from my current placement. We'll see what they say. No clue when they'll have academy, because they keep changing the date. Sigh
I think I might totally fail at NaNoWriMo because I have zero motivation/inspiration for writing. Well, it's not like I've ever completed it before, so I'm not very choked up.
The holidays are just around the corner. I might find myself working, rather than enjoying friends. I knew that signing on for this job meant working holidays. But I am kinda bummed that I won't get to enjoy festivities with friends. I'll find a way to get through it; everyone else in this field does. Anyways, ever since I moved to Nola, I've been a sort of orphan because I have no family here.
I go back fact, I'll have to get ready in about 30 minutes.