Saturday, August 29, 2009

Didn't Get That Burger

Instead I went to Sbarro and got chicken parm & baked ziti; soooo much better. Then I watched Inglorious Basterds. I hate the way Tarantino goes on those long pointless dialogues. But other than that, it was really good. Brad Pitt was hilarious!!!

So, right now I'm watching one of those scary, strange video shows and it's something about disasterous vacations. So this IDIOT goes deep sea diving. He finds a giant squid. He's not content with just looking at it or touching its tentacles. This dude sticks his FACE in the well...maybe not the face of the squid!!! HELLO!!! What do you think happened to good o' numbbuts?! The squid latches onto his face and wraps around his head!!!!! Ya moron, you had that coming!!!! Freakin dumbass!!!! I can NOT feel sorry for people who screw with nature.

Work was a breeze! I read through an entire book with time to spare. I bought a NEW book and hope that it takes more like 2 days to get through. Cuz otherwise that means work is beyond slow. Again, I'm in the sallyport. I feel like I'm in isolation. I hardly talked all day. I'm just in this box watching people come and go. It really is cool, though. It beats being on a funky smelling tier with no a/c!!! I'll enjoy my a/c, microwave, fridge and personal bathroom!!!

Today is the 4th Anniversary of Katrina. It's also Michael Jackson's birthday. Well...would have been. I apparently missed an awesome 2nd Line today while working. I'm also missing Mid~Summer Mardi Gras as we speak. It's waaay on Riverbend and I got off too late~ and have to wake up too early tomorrow. I bet it's freakin' awesome.

I also have to work until 7pm on Talk Like A Pirate Day. I was hoping to volunteer for the Nola Krewe of Pirate Wenches for their huge bash. But I'll have to be happy to participate in the bar crawl instead at 8pm. Costumes are encouraged, but not mandatory. Why don't ya'll come on out for this???

Guess that's it for now. I'll leave with this thought. I resisted the call of ice cream and a new pringles flavor. Good for me

Friday, August 28, 2009

When Websites Change Format

So I go log into a forum I visit on a regular basis. Long story short, they've changed everything. And the forum I've visited for a few years is gone. All the information, shared memories, creativity, GOALS...all gone. We all have to start from scratch. Great. As you can tell, I'm not happy. I think these kinds of changes are unneccessary. Makes me want to not bother visiting the site, because it's personally crap to me!!!!

I did the Voodoo Hash last night and realized that I'm getting even more out of shape than I was before the job. There's no chance to even really walk around in this job. I think that I should start walking home from work, like I originally thought. At least I'd get a good walk once a day. A pair of pants are now a tad tighter than before and my legs are sore from the hike last night. That's NOT good.

The good thing was that we did damned near 5 miles and it's a start for me. Also, I only had 3 beers and one bloody mary. One my virgin hash, I had 7 beers. I took a cab home and immediately went to bed. I dreamed of going to a place like mcd's...but wasn't. And ordered a combo meal. The detail of the dream is what sticks with me. I must really want a burger! LOL

Well, remember how boring the Sallyport was at night? Night & Daaaaayyyyy...the day shift is BUSY!!! So that takes care of the reason I wanted OUT of the Sallyport. I finally got my act together and brought a book. It was so busy that I wasn't able to finish it. On the night shift, I could have gone through it with hours to spare! I wonder when I'll get a tier for the day. I have 5 more weeks of day. I won't ask for a tier again because they already know I want one. Also, the Sallyport has a/c and the tier does NOT. And it is still Summer. I think I'll wait til Fall or Winter to whine for a day tier. LOL

Guess it's time to get off my ass and head out. I shouldn't waste my last free day in the house watching a movie on Comedy Central that'll probably come on again later. Plus, I gotta find this burger I dreamed about.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I took a Mental Health Day today. I would've been a waste if I had shown and they would have sure enough put me on a tier. They can tell when I'm not on par and that's when they put me with the inmates. When I'm healthy and eager, they give me the Sallyport.

I have Thursday/Friday off. That means I can do the Voodoo Hash Thurs night. It's been months and I'll walk. But I hear that someone else will be walking, so I won't be alone. I want to take my camera. I've been in a picture taking mood here lately.

Thursday will consist of strolling galleries along Royal Street and lounging in a small cafe deep in the French Quarter. After the hash, drinks. Actually, the drinks will be pouring before & during, as well.

I just downed some cottage cheese and am working on a liter of water. Noone would believe the water. I had to laugh at myself because the cottage cheese container says it has 4 servings. I polished of the whole freakin container. At least it was 10 tacos from Taco Bell. Actually, Taco Bell sounds really good right now. Luckily for my fat ass, the closest one ISN'T.

I heard a rumor that's kinda upsetting. There's supposedly an "unspoken" rule to NOT put white female deputies on tiers because apparently we can't handle the inmates. I guess us white girls are too timid or something?!?!?! But when I was harrassing them for a tier, I didn't know about this "rule". And they put me on a tier. And I handled it pretty damned well. In fact, they put me on a tier a few times. I've handled the difficult ones with creative strategies that shut 'em up fast. So much for us white chicks not handling the job. And I started to think about it. In my building, I AM the only white female deputy!!!! Rather than get upset and sue, I'd rather prove my abilities and break the cycle. I'd rather be the one who proves that white chicks can handle those "intimidating male inmates". Maybe I can help blaze a trail so other white female deputies can get tier time. Interesting...

I guess I've drained myself for the moment. So I'll close this and return when my well fills up again.

Sept 19th Talk Like A Pirate Day

**** This is a re~post from the page of New Orleans Krewe of Pirate Wenches****

Avast me Hearties,

September 19th is “Talk Like a Pirate Day” & the New Orleans Krewe of Pirate Wenches is offering up a little piratical fun for you & you'll be helping out a good cause at the same time.
The NOLA Wenches are offering a “Letter of Marque” to be placed upon the head of any person or persons of your choice. For a small donation ($5, $10 or more) the Marqued Landlubber will be thrown in “The Brigg“. The prisoner will have to remain in there till they can match your donation amount to bail themselves out. The larger your donation the longer they may have to endure the torturous ways of the NOLA Wenches!

Each of the prisoners will receive a ration of stale bread & water along with a 2009 NOLA Wenches calendar.

Be sure to come out & taunt the prisoners & capture a few of the memorable moments on film.
We will be sailing thru out the French Quarter from 11:00am till 5:00pm Saturday September 19th so please contact us early so we can schedule your Letter of Marque into our voyage. We wouldn't want your accused to miss the boat!

To schedule a LoM & or Info, Contact: El Capitan Mal Corazon (A.K.A. Del) at

Visit us on the web to see “The Brigg” & how you can join up with the NOLA Wenches Krewe for more piratical adventures at
NOTE: Don’t miss out on the “Pirate Passport Pub-Crawl” hosted by the NOLA Wenches on “Talk Like a Pirate Day” also. It begins at Pirate’s Alley at 8:00pm. There you’ll receive your free Pirate Passport that charts all of your destinations & the piratical act you’ll need to perform to get your passport stamped. It’s sure to be a savvy time for all salty seadogs & landlubbers alike.

Monday, August 17, 2009

On The Verge

Something snapped in me last week. I've had my head down, plugging through the work schedule. Going back & forth between liking my job and wishing I had more "tier" experience. But this last week, I got the tier 2 &1/2 times. Yeah, 1/2...just to do roll call, then go to the sallyport.

I've been journalling, considering doing something for myself, my body, my image, etc. But when my weekends come, I sleep. All...weekend...

Well Saturday morning I came home from work and did NOT go to bed. I showered and changed into a summery yello top, brown shorts and wore my hair down. I picked out a new pink & orange necklace that popped against my top. I met up with friends I hadn't seen in the longest and went to the Riverwalk Mall for noms and window shopping.

I'm in the market for tan or neutral wedgies. My spirit needs new shoes. YES, my spirit. I haven't splurged on new shoes in the longest!!! The last pair was black sneakers for work, because my white shoes were in horrible shape. That was a necessity for work. My few other shoes are AT LEAST a year old, if not more! So I threw them all out and now need to get more.

I cleaned out my closet. 3 years of being a major pack rat. Several big bags of junk gone. I feel lighter. I have a few drawers to go through, but the big job is done.

It's now time to get mySELF together. Doing better for my body. My nutrition has been bad. Just grabbing whatever to eat at work. NOT drinking water. Exercise has dwindled because I mainly sit at work. And when you work 12-14hrs, you don't have it in you to exercise afterwards. At least I don't. But that's going to have to change. And I have no choice when my schedule changes to days.

I don't have a car. Don't want one. There is no discussion about it because I'm closed to the idea. When my schedule changes, I'll have to be at work by 6:30am. The bus on Sundays doesn't start until after then. So I'll have to walk. It's a 45minute walk. There: a bit of exercise by way of necessity. And when I have the energy, I walk home on my "last day".

Hopefully, I'll start feeling better soon once I keep to my "good health" project. More water, walking to/from work, eating more real food rather than whatever I have time to grab.

Additionally, I can't allow myself to sleep my entire 2days off. It makes me miss out on fun and keeps me groggy. I feel like I cheated myself out of Sunday. The good thing is, I can try again next weekend.

I've got a story inside of me. I can feel it. Little ideas flit around my ears. I start to journal and they run. I've got some digging to do. it too soon to think about NaNoWriMo????

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

It's A Blur

I love the job at the Sheriff Department. Yeah, I'd prefer to be on a tier more, but the Sallyport is cushy and air conditioned. I just wish I was in the action more. But another thing is that the hours really take my life. When I get home, I can only stay up for a little bit. I have to get to bed soon because I barely get 8hrs to rest before getting up and doing it all again. On my days off, I'm sleeping to make up for the lost rest during my work week. It's just an adjustment I'm working on.

My roommate is going to be out of town twice. While we hardly see each other anyways, it'll feel weird to be alone. I wonder if I can get housework done while he's gone. It's on my "to~do" list, as is laundry and de~cluttering my room. My room is a disaster!!!

I'm hoping that cleaning will put my nerves on ease. I need clearing in all sense of the word.

I am feeling a pull towards some spirituality. I need to find some peaceful, creative inspiration. I feel like I'm lacking inside. I need a major change in my life and I'm not quite sure where to find this, yet.

Getting the job is part of the major change needed. A new apartment is another part. I'm hoping before New Years, I'll have this accomplished. And lastly, a big of a physical makeover would help. A massage is a huge need because ALL my muscles are tense. A thorough massage would help me feel tons better.

I'm going to have to make a huge effort to save money. I have a problem with blindly spending money and then have nothing to account for it. This is going to have to change because I need to save for not only an apartment, but something else (what, I'm not quite sure). But if I don't get a new apartment, then I will have this constant tense grudge.

I feel like I have a story locked inside me. I use to write constantly. Something happened and I'm not sure what that was. But I need to fill myself with inspiration. I think the NEXT time I'm off (Sun/Mon), I'll gallery hop and browse bookstores.