Friday, May 29, 2009


I'm going to do the Red Dress Run on August 8th.

I have 2 months to get in shape enough to jog! It'd be awesome if I didn't walk the whole damned way!!! By registering as a member of a hash house, I get extra goodies. 2 extra runs and freebies (bag, tattoos, etc)

I'm excited and scared. Not that I really worry about being last because at some point, I've seen tons of people give up altogether and just find a bar to hang. But I wanna hit the end and play with my new hash friends.

I'm so happy I've gotten into this! I do wish I had joined years ago, but ya can't go back in time. Better late than never, right?

I got a hash shirt!!! It's got this crazy voodoo lookin pic on the back with the hash marks.

While walking home tonight (after hanging out with Danielle & Shannon), I realized ONCE AGAIN that I am so in love with New Orleans. That my best years are yet to come and that I'm finally finding my way.

I've got some secret plans brewing. I'm hoping that in a month, they won't be secrets. We'll see

Monday, May 25, 2009

I Can't Believe I Haven't Shared

The Hash was fuckin awesome!!!!

And again, I can't believe I haven't already blogged about it. Well, I've been busy telling friends & using IM, Myspace, Facebook, etc...anyhoo. Here's my unorganized recap of my debut experience with the Voodoo Hash.

Soooo, after sorta~kinda stressing that my horse costume sucked, I headed to the meet spot for my Virgin Hash. I had to do it; it was Danielle's Virgin Hare. It was the perfect day to be the virgin (imho). A few of the people were already there and I held up the wall, as I do when I'm the new kid at school. People don't believe I'm shy, but this is the kind of situation that proves I am. I stand on the side and watch. I might try to jump in once or twice, then get back. I digress; this is getting off the subject.

More people arrived and the trail markers were explained. The hash took off and I ran for one block. YOU GO GIRL!!! But as I was running, I realized i REALLLLLY need a GOOD sports. And to get in shape. Of course, that's the ultimate goal, so I'll stop with that crap.

Of course the other walkers didn't show that night. So it was just me. I didn't care. I wasn't going home. I didn't get lost on trail and that means that my fat ass walking self wasn't the last person. LOLOLOL It was the runners that came in last because they lost the trail. So that was awesome! Now, of course my ultimate goal (here we go again) is to be a RUNNER at some point. But I ain't kicking myself for shit.

At the cirlce, I was put in for being the virgin~ and ended up chugging early, so I had to do it again. (LMFAO...OMG). After most people cleared out, one of the guys bought me a couple more drinks at the bar and I learned more about the organization and the trail markers.

I came home high on life. And right now, I'm seriously jonesin' for the next hash. I seriously can't freakin wait! Who would've thought I would be in this kind of mindset???


Saturday was the meeting of the New Orleans Krewe of Pirats & Wenches. First, we walk in & are given raffle tickets. Later, my ticket wins me a huge bottle of fruity booze. BOOOOOOZE. I also brought home a plastic coconut cup. They had food & the show & tell of our shwag. The meeting is all hush~hush; in other words, I ain't telling. Suffice to say it was seriously productive and inspirational. I'm estatic about the rest of the year with this Krewe.

I really have to give a shout out to Danielle. She's the one who's gotten me involved in both the Pirates & Hashers. I was saying that I wanted new friends, to expand my social circle. When saying that, I didn't have a clue how. I'm just too freakin shy to go out & get people. But along comes Danielle who's involved in LOTS. And she doesn't mind me tagging along.


Finally!!! I made it to the BEADWHORE shindig. It was dinner with 3 of the girls and then Donna's for live music & a wee bit of dancing. Just a wee bit. I got tired early and came home to get online and then sleep.


This was a great weekend. And I didn't even do anything TODAY, Memorial Day. Really, I'm not feeling the need to get wild or drink or spend a single dollar. So yeah, I have totally "wasted" the holiday. But really, I don't think it's been wasted because I'm doing exactly what I want.

I think it's up in the air if there's a hash this week. But I desperately hope so!!! Because I'm not sure what I'll do if not! It's even motivated me to walk farther and faster at work, too. Damn.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


And now for some pointless blather...

To recap, I will do my 1st hash run in 2 days. I'm excited. I am costuming as a horse because the theme is "your favorite carousel animal". I got the mane & tail covered with boas; the rest is up in the air *~shrug~*.

I'm excited to get started with my attempt at jogging. I wonder just how long it will be before I'm able to actually "run". Maybe it'll be a nice Christmas present. the "walking/jogging" thing on my list. And now I've been on my 8th day straight of leg excercises. I've been on my 6th or 7th day of taking iron/vitamin c. So far, I'm doing pretty good. Kinda proud of myself. But I can't let it get to my head just yet! I know how I can be sometimes!!!!

Danielle showed me some cool practice push up thing...Suppose to be for us people who can't really do them...something to get us started. So I'm going to try that later tonight.

This weekend is Maydi Gras. The Beadwhores are in town and we'll get some party on! On Saturday night, we have the Pirate Wench meeting. So I'll be a few sheets to the wind & can't wait to get some great pics. It'll be nice to unwind and reunite with my out~of~town friends.

I guess that's about it for tonight. Just felt like I had to make an entry. Could be the coffee making me jittery. Either way, here it is.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I've Found Motivation

After hearing my friend Danielle talk about doing hash runs for about 7 months, I've decided to give it a go. Next Thursday is going to be my introduction to the Voodoo Hashers.

It's okay if I walk because there are others who walk. My ultimate goal is to be a runner and get in shape. I know I won't motivate myself to run alone, so joining this group will be the trick. Plus, these people are crazy. They drink and costume and's a social event with a little run hidden somewhere. Plus, this is another great way to meet people. And expanding my social circle is a huge goal for me. I've been here for a long time and haven't really gotten out of my comfort zone. I'm too old to be this shy.

The pirate wenches are going to have a meeting on the 23rd. And our assignment is to bring our best catch from this years various parades. I've got this awesome pig bead that has moving arms & legs...and I tied my beadwhore thong to it...I won't admit to how I earned the thong. HA!!!

I'm suddenly feeling the motivation and life that I was just lacking yesterday. It's amazing what a little change can do!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Hashing Out Thoughts

Just some blather...

After watching Donnie graduate from NOPD academy today, I'm finding a new sense of inspiration to give my application another shot. Also, 2 other friends are more than likely going into NOPD's NEXT class. So what the hell is my problem?! It's just laziness.

So it's time to get off my lazy ass and get some exercise in. For starters, I've been doing some very simple leg exercises each night. Second, I'm considering joining a Hash Runners group...they're RUNNERS, not drug users...i think "hash" has a few meanings...ahem...

My friend Danielle is in the group and has been telling me all about it. And plenty of people actually WALK. So I won't be out of place while I walk in the beginning. But my ultimate goal is to actually start jogging and then running. I'm going at my own pace for that, but it's great motivation.

I think that by November, I can be physically prepared to apply to NOPD. And apparently they have a PT test for you to take before you're even accepted. So I have no choice but to learn push ups and stuff. Otherwise, I don't have a choice. I want to be a cop. So I can't allow my laziness and complacency to keep me from my dream. I have to push myself for more. I am better than this.

Creatively, I've been dead. Not sure; depression??? It's been going on for awhile. But I've been failing at creating anything and it's starting to hurt me. My sleep and motivation is failing. I feel so very blah. I think I need to flush my spirit somehow. I have to find a big boom of creativity and inspiration. I want to feel alive again. I have to find a way to do this. Perhaps going to a bookstore, movie, live show...I need an "artist date".

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Internet Hiatus

For about two weeks we haven't had internet service...

So I've been flailing, not able to remember my password on this page and really not having much to say, I guess.

To recap, though, my 35th birthday was a blast. I spent the entire weekend cashing in on that whole "safety pin to the shirt" deal. Ya gotta try it...I got maybe $100 in all!!! Mom sent me another $100 and a laptop. So I believe I had a successful celebration. Plus, a drag queen bought me a shot of Tequila. Only in New Orleans, honey...only here.

On Monday, I went to the mall. I got a perm...first one in 4yrs. While it wasn't what I asked for (I showed the girl 2 pics...I digress), it IS actually cute. So fine...I accept it. Really I have no choice because I spent the time & MONEY on it...and chemically, I can't do anything for at least a few months. I also allowed myself to get new sneakers for ones so they won't look trashed so soon. And I bought a cool Janis Joplin tshirt. A little more $$ than I'd normally spend on a tshirt, but I was celebrating NOT being poor.

There are a few cool new things on Canal Street now! IHOP!!!! I've been twice so far. LOVE IT!!! And this place called Hippie Gypsy...okay, it's a head shop with more clothes and jewelry...but in the back are the pipes. I'm not judging. While I don't smoke (ANYTHING), I can fully appreciate the artistry that went into the glass blown objects. Plus, they have a ton of incense & junk. So the incense junkie in me bought a bunch. The rumor is that at some point, there's going to be a PJ'S Coffee Shop on Canal...I'm not holding my breath because things in New Orleans take FOREVER to open. Love ya, NOLA, but your people are slow at building things. I'm just freakin happy about IHOP

Lessee...what else? DONNIE, our beloved ex~ranger is graduating NOPD's Police Academy tomorrow morning. Me & Thomas are going because work is going to make us miss the party at night. I'm so freakin proud of Donnie! really makes me kick myself for failing to pass the academy, myself. But being given the doctors orders of not returning for a full week AND the gall stones, liver thing, plus plus...I was physically pushed back. My own doing, my own choice. But F*%&&%K. I wonder WHAT IF. What if I had just taken that week off & returned the 3rd week??? What if during the week of no academy, I had continued to try to do a push up or take long walks and stuff??? What if...Oh well. Ya can't go back in time. You can only deal with the present and plan the future. So no real use kicking myself.

I do, however, think I want to prepare myself...get in shape (really, I think I might mean it) and apply again NEXT year...I believe there might be a class NEXT APRIL...So, in 11 months, can I get my ass in shape and survive academy? I know exactly what the PT Test contains. I think that, I have to get in the shape it takes to pass the ASSESSMENT TEST...and then apply. I mean, I know I'll pass the investigation because I haven't changed my lifestyle since I last applied. So no jail time, no anything that could keep me from being accepted. We'll see...

The first step is eating breakfast and exercising. oh much hard work!!! But I think I'll really hate myself if I don't give it one more shot. I just have to get my body to the point where I can do the minimum physical stuff, and then go on from there. Nothing really good is easy. The best things are hard to achieve. I've been starting some very simple exercises in the past few nights. Small steps are better than none & I do have 11 months. I think I can talk myself into trying this.

Oh. And if you're asking yourself "what happened to the sheriffs??"....their hiring freeze won't be lifting for some time. Plus, I've heard some things that make me want to not go there really after all this. SIIIIGH To be honest, it was really a distraction from my fear of trying NOPD again. And my close friends know me well enough...that they might actually know this.

I guess that's it for now. I didn't plan on rambling about NOPD, but there you have it.