For about two weeks we haven't had internet service...So I've been flailing, not able to remember my password on this page and really not having much to say, I guess.
To recap, though, my 35th birthday was a blast. I spent the entire weekend cashing in on that whole "safety pin to the shirt" deal. Ya gotta try it...I got maybe $100 in all!!! Mom sent me another $100 and a laptop. So I believe I had a successful celebration. Plus, a drag queen bought me a shot of Tequila. Only in New Orleans, honey...only here.
On Monday, I went to the mall. I got a perm...first one in 4yrs. While it wasn't what I asked for (I showed the girl 2 pics...I digress), it
IS actually cute. So fine...I accept it. Really I have no choice because I spent the time & MONEY on it...and chemically, I can't do anything for at least a few months. I also allowed myself to get new sneakers for ones so they won't look trashed so soon. And I bought a cool Janis Joplin tshirt. A little more $$ than I'd normally spend on a tshirt, but I was celebrating NOT being poor.
There are a few cool new things on Canal Street now! IHOP!!!! I've been twice so far. LOVE IT!!! And this place called Hippie Gypsy...okay, it's a head shop with more clothes and jewelry...but in the back are the pipes. I'm not judging. While I don't smoke (ANYTHING), I can fully appreciate the artistry that went into the glass blown objects. Plus, they have a ton of incense & junk. So the incense junkie in me bought a bunch. The rumor is that at some point, there's going to be a PJ'S Coffee Shop on Canal...I'm not holding my breath because things in New Orleans take FOREVER to open. Love ya, NOLA, but your people are slow at building things. I'm just freakin happy about IHOP
Lessee...what else? DONNIE, our beloved ex~ranger is graduating NOPD's Police Academy tomorrow morning. Me & Thomas are going because work is going to make us miss the party at night. I'm so freakin proud of Donnie! really makes me kick myself for failing to pass the academy, myself. But being given the doctors orders of not returning for a full week AND the gall stones, liver thing, plus plus...I was physically pushed back. My own doing, my own choice. But F*%&&%K. I wonder WHAT IF. What if I had just taken that week off & returned the 3rd week??? What if during the week of no academy, I had continued to try to do a push up or take long walks and stuff??? What if...Oh well. Ya can't go back in time. You can only deal with the present and plan the future. So no real use kicking myself.
I do, however, think I want to prepare myself...get in shape (really, I think I might mean it) and apply again NEXT year...I believe there might be a class NEXT APRIL...So, in 11 months, can I get my ass in shape and survive academy? I know exactly what the PT Test contains. I think that, I have to get in the shape it takes to pass the ASSESSMENT TEST...and then apply. I mean, I know I'll pass the investigation because I haven't changed my lifestyle since I last applied. So no jail time, no anything that could keep me from being accepted. We'll see...
The first step is eating breakfast and exercising. oh much hard work!!! But I think I'll really hate myself if I don't give it one more shot. I just have to get my body to the point where I can do the minimum physical stuff, and then go on from there. Nothing really good is easy. The best things are hard to achieve. I've been starting some very simple exercises in the past few nights. Small steps are better than none & I do have 11 months. I think I can talk myself into trying this.
Oh. And if you're asking yourself "what happened to the sheriffs??"....their hiring freeze won't be lifting for some time. Plus, I've heard some things that make me want to not go there really after all this. SIIIIGH To be honest, it was really a distraction from my fear of trying NOPD again. And my close friends know me well enough...that they might actually know this.
I guess that's it for now. I didn't plan on rambling about NOPD, but there you have it.