Saturday, March 28, 2009

Crazy Last 2 Days

While Sam, I & another coworker stood outside of Walgreens on Friday afternoon, there came a huge explosion. RIGHT THERE, just across the street, a transformer blew from underground. Out of the grate covering it, came black smoke.

I think just about everyone within a few blocks called 911 because the sound was incredible! I started taking pics and then...more explosions! Series after series of rapid~fire explosions came from the grate, as cops made people get out of the area. I thought it wasn't going to end and feared it would spread to other areas.

Finally it all stopped and ENTERGY started a 24hr project of repairing the wounds and restoring power. Probably half of the French Quarter was in the dark for 2 days. Luckily both Sam & I had alternative places to sleep. Shortly after I came home to my dark and humid apartment, the power came back. Yay.

I have a doctor appointment Thursday @ 1:45pm to find out if I have endometriosis...or WHAT. Something is definitely wrong, so a diagnosis is in order. My friend Dedra is going to come with me after her class. It'll be comforting to have someone there afterwards because I know this is going to hurt. And maybe be scary.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Met up with Danielle after work...

Tonight I missed the meeting of the Pirate Wenches due to work. bleh But I was also broke and realized I shouldn't spend my last few dollars on drinks. But, after work, Danielle texted me and encouraged me out...she baited me with promises of "something pretty".

"Something pretty" ended up being 2 STRONG Bloody Marys at Finnegans. SURE!!! I said hi to my new friends, the wenches and 2 guys. Had 2...count them...2 ribs. Not 2 orders...but 2 individual ribs. Sounds like some movie I've seen. Anyways

Today I wore my "Beadwhore" shirt and got 3 compliments and one lingering stare (from some dude in the elevator). I freakin LOVE my beadwhore shirt. It's way too awesome and I've yet to see anyone else wear it since MG. That must mean I rock just a little bit harder. I digress.

I was told of a great cheap place for help complete my wench attire. And I need to pull out my Irish Tartan. That'd be a rockin' addition!!!

Oh wow. There are going to be some extra cool things happening for Pyratecon. Of course the parade I'll get to be in. But also...A WEDDING...yeah you heard it...a WEDDING!!!...and then...another parade for the Louisiana Food Fest. Apparently they want the wenches to be there. Freakin' awesome...right?

I have tomorrow off. Good cuz I'm too drunk to work. I think it's partially because I skipped lunch, so I have an empty stomach, too.

Bad news...possibly. And this has nothing to do with above stuff...I'm going to the doc asap next week because it sounds like I could do you spell it..."endometriosis". I researched the symptoms and have a majority of them. So I wanna know for sure.

But enough about my cooch. Back to the wench stuff...oh...and yet somehow, speaking of which. My wench name is going to be: Victoria Thunderpussy...given to me back in 2006 or 2007 (i forget) by some guy in a bar. Said I had the attitude for it. YEAH BABY!!!!

All bitches can suck it. There...I said it

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Not qualified for the "YouthCare Worker" position at juvenile corrections.

Kinda saw that coming, though. But I thought I'd give it a shot. There's a rumor going around that the sheriff freeze won't be lifted until freakin JULY. Okay, breathe. At least I have a job. I have ways to TRY and make it enjoyable. But dammit. I'm getting pissed and impatient.

New Topic: Petty Ass Bitches

Oh yeah, people. I'm going there. So here's the deal: Awhile back my long~ago boyfriend cheated on me...then came back, still with the chick and THEN, to make this even more "springer show", introduced us.

WELL...this chick has since thought that I must seriously CARE about how she goes on & on about the dude being oh~so~wonderful. It was only fitting that he was cheating on me, because I was bored and annoyed with him and his girlish whining about everything.

It seemed as if she THOUGHT she was rubbing their "perfect" relationship in my face. She had him; I didn't. She thought she won. But I think I won because I don't have to deal with him anymore.

I know this guy better than she thinks. He wasn't pleasant and had nothing going for him. Plus, he said some awful things about her to he cheated on her with me. I'm not saying I'm perfect. I'm just saying I'm very very good. I digress.

WELL...then they move in together and she keeps sending me messages about how she's gushing with the same time sending me messages about her being plagued by the fact that he cheated on her with me. I'm like "yawn; you're problem now".

Then this year, they get married. And she swears it's just so wonderful. I personally think she's in denial and he's in hell--only basing that on the things he's said about her. Why they got married? For her, all her friends are married. She's gotta be in that wives club. Him? They're eventually moving to Florida to live in a huge house HER parents are GIVING them. He scored a free house.

Well of course she's attempting to rub their magical life in my face. I think she's full of it. On my myspace, I tell my friend so. This chick goes onto MY FRIENDS page and reads this. Decides she's going to send me some condescending, petty, bitter letter about how she's "sorry for flaunting her happiness in my sad face". She honestly believes I'm upset that she won this man. OMFG...and then she quietly deletes me from her friends list.

That was cowardly and cheap. It was grade school bullshit and she looks like a stalker for fishing my friends myspace page. She claims to be a therapist, but it looks like she needs the counseling. Don't most therapists, anyway?!

Long story short, there's this crazy chick obsessed with the idea of clinging to me and flaunting her fake life in my face. I'm not bitter that he left me. I was going to do it anyway. I'm not bitter that they're happy. My point is that I frankly don't give a damn, either way! And I think she's crazy and lying about how fantastic everything is.

Of course I responded to her letter--putting all this in there. She never responded. I don't expect her to. That would be owning her words and being an adult woman. I don't think she's capable.

I just had to share the ridiculous stuff going on right now.

In the meantime, my friend Jen and I are playing "status wars" on myspace. It's a silly time. Look at me...I'm being silly.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I just re~read my last post. That whole deal about planning to do the gym, laundry and Garden District today???? Yeah, never happened. None of it.

My period. That's right. You're here, so deal with this. Scared me a bit. First started getting symptoms of it last Thursday. As of earlier this afternoon, still no "full flow". I was why? Worried I might know. Called the culprit and put him on edge for awhile.

Oddly, neither of us were terribly on edge, though. I won't bother analyzing why this month. I'll wait until I'm late next time. Then finally, the red box appeared. I was relieved. And yeah, *almost* disappointed. Again, not sure why & not ready to think about it yet.

Now I'm hoping the evil feelings will pass soon and I can get back to being crazy little me. Had fun making Teefus laugh at the girls. Writing notes on the lotto stuff. Apparently, I have a fan!

Okay here goes...I changed my relationship status on myspace to: "in a relationship". it's been "single" for as long as i've had myspace, save for a VERY short time in '07. Very very short time and ill advised.

For the past 6 months, I've been exclusive with "V". (why, oh why didn't I write the full name? What am I afraid of?). He's stuck with me during my mood swings and general bitchiness. He's persevered when I was trying to keep him at a distance. He's worried when I was sick or was going through things. He calls me daily to say he cares. He's said he loves me. And all this, I believe. Okay, that's new.

I guess I really do fear relationships. Gun shy, I guess. All the past ones were terrible. Of course. I have no clue how much longer this will last. It could end in a month. Or last another year. I think I really shouldn't worry about that. Just enjoy the ride. Yeah, he talks too much and calls too much sometimes. It does annoy me. But not enough to really want to get rid of him.

While in the past, I would have happily had my regular boy toys on the side, I've found myself NOT wanting to have them. They're waiting. Really~ one call & I've got a man for the night. But I don't want to. And I'm still not sure how I feel about that. Good. Weird. Am I really doing this?

Guess I had to just write it out of my head for the night. Otherwise, I might be up til 7am. I'm just relieved I finally got my dot.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


PMS is making me a thundercunt.

Worked today in a foul mood. Not much pleased me. Pisses me off that when people see I'm in this kind of mood, they still wanna poke at me and don't understand the backlash. Crying about being picked on, when they test my patience on a non~patience day.

Another thing that pisses me off. I'm missing the 1st meeting of the Pirate Wenches (of which I'm joining) on Wednesday. Gotta work that night. ANNNND gotta work an hour and a half LATER than normal, thanks to the Hornets. As if I give a rats ass about that crap! But it's the job that pays my rent. So until something else comes along, I don't have a choice.

I would like to say that I look FANTASTIC in my corset. Wednesday, after work, I'm meeting up with the wenches for drinks. At least I won't miss that. And I'll wear the corset with my jeans. Rocker Wench, I guess. Just work with me on this for a minute! I'm a starter~kit chick right now and have to build up my wench wardrobe. I'll be sure to bring a camera so I can post pics on Myspace.

I won't be flat broke this week. I've been buying lots of beans and other CHEAP but lasting groceries. Stretches the dollar and beans are great nutrition. Plus, patience is the biggest thing that goes into beans because ya gotta soak them overnight, then cook them for a few years. So don't start beans on an empty stomach.

THANK GAWD (and Brigid) that this coming Friday is payday. I put in for some PTO to beef up my paycheck. Giving myself almost 80hrs.

I applied to work in juvenile corrections. My coworker started there about a month ago and told me they're hiring. I did an online application and now can twiddle my thumbs til I get a phone call or email. She said, "don't be surprised if they call you Monday". I told her to not toy with my emotions. I REALLY want the OP Sheriffs. But not only do they have this damned hiring freeze, but they're now talking about LAY OFFS. Sonofabitch. *~sigh~*

Well, just gotta get through tomorrow's 8hrs and then I get Monday off. Laundry and gym. Maybe clean up the house a bit...just a bit. Maybe enjoy the Garden District; take a camera and get some spring pics.

Guess that's enough bitching for now. I almost feel better. Almost...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Leaving A Buffet With An Empty Stomach

Today, Dedra & I went to Harrahs buffet. Two tables down, a couple arrived. The guy had a niiiiice body, kinda young. I didn't pay attention to the girl. But, she had her plate and was eating away. The guy returns to the table with an empty plate. I overheard him say, "There wasn't anything I wanted".

Okay. Hhhhmmmm. With all the variety that the place offered, how is it that NOTHING pleased him? Certainly, since I didn't question him, this is all speculation. However, I can only assume that he either was not hungry (and she dragged him there) OR he's difficult to please. It says something about a personality when you are offered many different options and still aren't satisfied. But then, I could look at his body and think, he's very into his appearance. Is he someone who thinks so highly of himself that he's not impressed by most things? Or, is it simply that he WASN'T hungry and was just following the girl? But if you spent $10 to get into the place, you might as well have SOMETHING. I certainly can't just hand someone $10 for nothing. I digress on this subject. But I told Dedra I'd blog about it.

NOW!!! Today I went to the Lakeside Mall and got a turquoise corset & jeans. 2 things about this:
#1. A corset is super sexy and I have personal ways to use it. But I also want to wear it as my Pirate Wench outfit. But, am I brave enough??? It's VERY "ooh~la~la" and I'm not that happy with my body these days. Dare I show that much? I will have it cleared by Danielle (friend, coworker, RECRUITER of me to the wenches LOL) and Dedra.

#2. Jeans. Haven't owned a pair in TEN YEARS! Why? Because I have wide hips, (relatively) small waist and I'm SHORT. So when I found jeans that fit my hips, they'd be huge around my waist and far too long. Well, I finally gave Lane Bryant a chance and tried on their stuff. IT FIT. Snugged my waist, not too tight on hips and just long enough! Hallelujah! After 10 years, i can once again enjoy jeans. I am sick of the fact that I don't have enough casual pants. After working so long in a dance studio, I acquired plenty of slacks. But nothing too casual, as was the dress code. Now I am ready to throw on my new jeans (and hell, the corset, too) and hit the Quarter lookin' fierce! Ok. Maybe not fierce. Definitely HOT TRANNY MESS!

I also allowed myself to indulge in L'Occitane. Not saying the stuff is pricey, per se, but it's more than Walgreens. But I did have a few extra $$$'s to enjoy. So I got one honey bar and one olive bar. I do love olives & honey! Makes me think of this TINY vendor inside the Riverwalk that sold allll olive stuff: soaps, lotions, etc. I never allowed myself to indulge and fully regret it now. But, I did allow myself some fun today. I also stopped at Gloria Jeans for a fantastic mocha latte. I sat at their table and sipped the latte while I watched people come & go.

I had to remind myself of my favorite quote...the only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it. Resist, and your soul grows sick with longing. Well I knew I'd get home and wish I had gotten some yummies.

It's been raining for 3 days. I am SICK of it. It's making me feel soggy and almost depressed. I'm praying for some sun and dry clothes real soon!

Today was a day of quiet indulgence. I got some things I had been wanting for awhile, but had hesitated in allowing myself. Now I feel a nap coming on. Not sure if it's because I've skipped a couple of days of iron or what. But I'll take my iron now and nap. Tomorrow's a new day.

Oh, and Harrahs' lunch buffet is only $10. For all you can eat, that's freakin GOOD baby!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Tonight will begin the daunting task of sorting ALLLLL my beads.

Let's see, that's 3 Mardi Gras, 3 St. Pats, 2 Easters, 2 Southern Decadences (or is it Decadi?)...that's a butt~load of beads!

But I have too many, and sooo many are the smaller, not~so~flashy beads. I can do without. I mean, what am I going to do with them, anyways? They're all just sitting in bags, not being looked at.

SO!!! Since I decided last night to give beads to parade riders/marchers, it's time to sort out the things I can do without. much work!

And Sam had asked for me to bundle and I realize that I don't have a stapler. Dag~nabbit (yeah, i said it)

It's going to be kinda cleansing to release possession of end the hording of beads (not "whoring for beads", which is another thing altogether).

For the sake of randomly switching topics, tomorrow the gym day & THE MALL!!!! (omg, becky). It'll be nice to be out of the house and even (dare I say) out of Nola proper. I like malls. There, I said it. I like MALLS. mmmmmmmmmm

That's it; just thought I'd blog about NOTHING. Oh, just remembered that I told Sam I'd blog about something he I can't remember what. But I think it was something that vexed me. Yeah, vexed. Well...until I remember what it is, I'll get to work on those beads.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Irish & Italian Parades Today

Dedra & I went to the Irish Channel St. Patricks Parade. We got in the area early so we could eat @ Igors on St. Charles. There was hardly anyone in there...good, we had our pick of seats! The rain had started, but it was only around 11am and the parade wasn't scheduled til noon. Our hopes of a noon parade were shattered when the rain increased and we noticed detail officers driving away. Our hearts sank a little. I told Dedra that we might as well walk up to Magazine and see what's going on there; and we could always take the Magazine bus home. WELL!!! On our way to Magazine, we see a marcher. He assures us the parade is ON! So we scurry back to our spot and wait. And then it came. The parade and the RAIN...pouring buckets on us; and me without an umbrella. This year, I was able to be picky and reach for only the choice items. I scored the signature medallion bead, a stuffed frog, lucky charms, some OTHER signature bead (a fleur de lis with the Irish & American flag and the claddagh)...very nice. Oh, also got 2 cabbages and a HUGE cucumber...and I swear I'm only going to use it for cooking!!! The rain was pretty constant and I was utterly water~logged. But after the parade, we went to St. Charles. We walked a few blocks because, come on, there was no public transportation. We got lucky. Flagged down a cab and was joined by 3 other pedestrians. So our fare was only $3 each!!!! I'll take it! And then, before long we were on Canal. Dedra and I parted ways and I ran home to change into DRY clothes. Then I hit Starbucks. Ran into 2 coworkers (who were NOT free) and chatted a spell.

The Italian St. Josephs Day Parade kicked off pretty much on time (I guess). My 2 coworkers left me and I headed up Chartres were I found EMPTY spots. Not as many Italians were throwing like the Irish. That's fine and I'm not going to start a competition...ahem. But I still got good throws. Of course silk flowers, the kisses sticker, a cooool flashy~hearts beads, etc, etc.

After that, I returned home to drop off my goodies. I then joined Danielle at Turtle Bay and met her friends. I put some Metallica & Clancy Brothers on the jukebox. Yeah, I said it...Metallica AND Clancy Brothers. What of it?!!!! After a Bloody Mary, Cherry Wheat beer AND a Tequila shot, I figured it was best to head home. I do have to work in the morning.

Today was soaked, but satisfying. I got to spend time with Dedra outside of work and got some fantastic beads. I decided to donate a TON of beads to those who march/ride in parades. I've been given a thumbs up on that from a marcher in the upcoming PIRATES parade (early next month).

And now, I am off to bed. Like I said, I work in the morning. I hope it's an easy day. Some people can be soooo bitchy and I am not in the mood.

Monday...the gym and the mall...for that corset!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Flip Flop Weather!!!

YES!!!! Spring is just around the corner and the weather is already HOT HOT HOT!
This is flip flop weather. Time to break out the old trusty sandals and tra~la through the Garden District and Magazine. With a camera, to capture nature blooming!

I think I'm beyond "insomnia" and this is just my body's time of day. I need a night job. It's just how I am! It's after 1am and I'm nowhere near sleep! Luckily, I'm off Thursday, so I can sleep late and make up for lost time.

I do have some "lovin" in the afternoon, but I still have time to rest up and then get ready! I love afternoon nookies! I've been gettin the same nookie for more than 5 months and I'm kinda shocked. The time flew by so quickly, that I hadn't realized. 5 months. Same person. ONLY person. Now THAT is a miracle! Not that I'm personally against relationships...but that someone's been consistent this whole time...and that I've ALLOWED them to stick around. I'm a love 'em & leave 'em girl. Just because I'm independent...use to being alone. Was single for a loooong ass time in Los Angeles. So I got really REALLY use to it. To the point that now I'm selfish with my free time and space. But recently, I've allowed this guy to nap after he's been a good boy. Now, napping is something I use to say NO to! Sorry, get your ass out of my house and nap in your own. But now, I'm softening up and letting him nap. That hasn't become an overnight thing; I'm still hesitant with that.

Friday is payday~ hallelujah!!!! I'm soooo freakin' broke right now and it bugs the crap outta me! But I'll have dough soon & it's just in time to enjoy the Irish & Italian events in the next full week. Parades, block parties, etc...oh yeah! The jig is up! haha Also, I found a fantastic purse! See, I typically HATE using purses because my shoulders are drastically slanted. So purses keep sliding off. And I have to hold them. Well I like my hands free. So it's either pockets or a back pack. Well, I'm out growing the back pack...especially with some of my outfits, it's just not flattering. So I found this purse that has a LOOOONG strap--I can put over my head. It's big and green and pretty...and more adult than a back pack. I'm getting my gift to myself on Friday and taking it to the parades Saturday.

I need (no, WANT) a corset. So Monday, I'm going to Lakeside to check out the selections at Lane Bryant. Also, with some of the stores closing, I wanna see if there are any awesome sales. I haven't treated myself to something like a corset in ...well... EVER! So it's high~time I indulge in some naughties...the "man" will enjoy it.

Well, I guess this might be it for now. Just thought I'd jot down some random thoughts. I might attempt to sleep. We'll see. Good thing is, if I don't pass out soon, I have all tomorrow to catch up!

Monday, March 09, 2009


A few things I've been failing at lately...

I don't read like I use to. Borders has been open for awhile now and I haven't even been in once. Years ago, I'd be in a bookstore almost daily and spend hours going up & down all the aisles. I'd pick books and skim through them in the store...other books I'd bring home. I use to devour books. Riding the bus to & from work put me in the mood for reading. Before I knew it, I'd be at my destination. Can't seem to get through a book while at home. Not sure what's with that. I *want* to get back into reading, yet I haven't. Fail.

I don't make jewelry like before. And I have NO shortage of materials. I use to make pieces several times a week. It's been at least a month since I'd done anything. Maybe part of it is that I no longer do the art markets. Stopped doing the markets because I was too broke. Didn't have the table. Didn't have a way to bring a table, if I did! No car makes toting a 10 foot table really freakin hard. Like I'm going to drag that thing around?!

I don't play tourist like I use to. Like I tell myself I want to; like I should. First, it gets me out of the house. Makes me feel better being in the open and is nice exercise. Mind you, I'm on my feet all the time at work. But strolling the beautiful areas of this city is much different than being at work.

I don't clean the house...haven't organized my bedroom or beads or...anything, really. There's a laundry to be done. Uber~sigh.

I'm a bit down on my lack tonight. Sometimes I wonder if I've wasted the whole reason I'm in New Orleans. I could have been this lazy back in Los Angeles...and had a ton more money with my old job. But I was soooo unhappy with everything there. I guess I just need to tell on myself. Maybe the humility will push me to change at least one thing.

Well...there is the huge parade this coming Saturday. That will definitely change my mindset. Even if it's temporary.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Nothing Special

This is a pointless post...

That being said, I woke up "early" (for me). For me, waking up early is giving myself 2hrs before I have to be at work. Again, I don't know if this oversleeping is due to depression, my anemia or I'm just soooo f*kn lazy. It could be a combo.

But today I woke up with some extra time. Hopped in the shower, brewed coffee and here I sit. Checking my various forums and wondering if I should do something different with my hair. And by different, I just mean something VERY VERY simple. I just might. Watch the comments fly. I swear, when I wear my hair down, people flip. It's hair, people. And it's not even styled. In fact, wearing my hair down is uber~lazy total NO style. It's just down. Anyways.

There were some changes at work since the last bitching. Someone got fired. YAY! One of the bad apples I was complaining about. Just one more to go; tick~tock. We're getting NEW people I believe this week. So more training. Tonight is the Art Walk on Julia & a Hornets game. Our job is to do both. I'm taking the Art Walk because I just wanna. The joys of being a supervisor!

Luckily I only work 5hrs tonight. While I got sleep and feel a bit chipper, I still have low motivation for working. If I was free and could stroll the Quarter, it'd be different. And I work 8hrs tomorrow. Sometimes I wish I didn't work on Sundays. But let's be honest; I'd probably waste the day in bed. Sigh

I'm watching the clock. In 30minutes, I'll have to get off the computer and hit the streets. I'm hoping there won't be any bullshit from the employees. I say that, knowing at least one person is gonna meow about something. Money's real tight this next week, so I can't really get myself a drink. That's what I could go for, though. Something to relax my mind.

A Quote

I just like this quote and have used it in many of my decision makings...heh~heh...

"The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it. Resist, and your soul grows sick with longing"

And I admittedly have immediately forgotten who wrote it. Tell me and you win a cookie. As in, I give you permission to go buy your own damned cookie. But enjoy the eating of it.

So when ya see something you want, think of this quote. Too often, we deprive ourselves of our desires because we're trying to be good (diet, lent, restraining orders). Go out and have that chocolate, drink, whatever you desire. I'm joking about the restraining order. You really have to abide by that. Ahem

No One Brought The Badger poo flinging today...

Of course my body decided that last night was "Insomnia Night"...laid down around 2:40am. I was hoping I'd have nearly 4hrs sleep. Instead I tossed and coughed up lungs and bitterness. Then I noticed that it was getting lighter in the room. The sun was rising. 5am sleep...6am came, still no sleep and alarm set at 7am. At 6:45, I said "screw it" and started getting ready. Eyes watery, burning. Heart still on "tase" mode. I thought to myself, "I've gone to work on zero sleep before. I can do it again".

Around 7:20am, my beloved old man called and I snarled at him. I'm still trying to train this dude to realize that calling me in the morning isn't romantic. Morning people and NON~morning people do NOT mix.

Snarled with Sam as we waited for a coworker to pick us up. Snarled in the car~intermittently distracted by shiny things...and not~so~shiny things...Back seat navigated ANOTHER FREAKIN CIRCLE!!!!...and after passing the driveway, we made a U~turn and arrived at the destination for this retreat. Now, I'm still not sure why we couldn't have just done this thing in the office. I digress.

There was food. Fine. Okay. And what they thought was coffee. But you could see right through it. Friends, to me, this is not coffee. Coffee is suppose to DO something to you. I stared at my sad little Styrofoam cup with it's nearly white liquid...shuffled to a table and plopped down.

Okay. Amaze me. Um...

The flinging I expected last night didn't happen. The questions posed to us before hand were not mentioned and thus, people weren't given the opportunity to let others know they suck. I still had a few chances to roll my eyes. But it wasn't what I was expecting. We did have role~playing. There were blindfolds (they wouldn't let me keep mine).

After the retreat, it was a mad dash back to the office to get on the street and patrol for about 4hrs. My exhaustion was getting the best of me. My mind was blanking far more than usual. My everything was "woozy" and I almost fell asleep at the girls. They would have understood, but I can't do that. And before long, the end had arrived. Clocked out...denied the advances of the old man (which amused me)...came home and crashed.

I'm up for a little bit, but still tired as hell. Luckily, I'm not due back to work until the evening on Saturday. I have a chance to really sleep!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

I took this quiz

I took the 43 Things Personality Quiz and found out I'm a
Reinventing Healthy Builder

Staff Retreat

Yeah so...tomorrow our company is having a "staff retreat" at 8:30 in the morning.
How long is this retreat? A day. Where is it? In some CLASSROOM at UNO. Some "retreat". Why can't we do what real places do and go to the country or something?! We're at the lakefront, so why can't we be ON the lakefront?! a classroom with fluorescent lighting.

Anyways, it's more of a "team building" exercise kind of day. If they give us the exercise of "catch your partner", there are going to be a lot of bruised heads! I'm not catching anyone! Personally, I think this retreat is a cute idea, but I hardly expect it to "work". If anything, it's going to bring up some animosity amongst the employees and start some shit. They sent us some questions to answer before hand. One of the questions was something like, "what do you not like about your position"...huzzah! Watch the fur fly, people. I get the feeling there's gonna be some poo flingin. I, for one, didn't hold back with my answer. I'm a supervisor. So naturally, my answer is employees who don't listen, and give me lip. Makes me wanna maul. I didn't add the last sentence; it's just the truth.

Furthermore, this thing is at 8:30 in the f*kn morning!!!! Anyone who knows me knows that this sucks donkey balls. First, I have NEVER been a morning person. Sure, I'll be there. I'll do it. But I will be spitting hatred and bile until I've had a decent mocha latte with extra whipped cream. I can't be in a meeting at 8:30 in the morning; that's my body's regulated sh*tting time! How am I going to pay attention to a lecture when my body is wanting to explode?!?!?!

This is hardly a "retreat". Retreats entail nature, fun, "getting away from it all", etc. This is going to be pain and humiliation and a lot of "f*k you". It'll be interesting to see how people treat each other AFTER this little hug circle. Once everyone has let the group know how much they hate each other and wish some people would quit. I don't see this as a love in. Seriously. I hear what people say. Now they're going to be forced to say in at a ridiculously early hour?! PLUS find parking or take the bus? Yeah...nice

I wonder who's going to bring the rabid badger?

Standing up for New Orleans


Yeah, there were shootings during Mardi Gras. And shootings at other random times. But I wonder why people talk about the violence in the city as if every other city in the country is the Garden of Eden?! Why must everyone ride Nola's ass about its crime rate as if it's the only place with shootings? Now for the people shot, I'm not belittling your wounds. That being said...

Take Los Angeles. Anyone remember what they were doing back in 1994 during the RIOTS?! How about the fact that it wasn't the first LA riot? Anyone remember that Hollywood bank heist that became a huge police shoot out? How about the time I was sitting in my apartment building on an average Tuesday evening and looked outside my window to find a gang battle? Like as in "old wild west style". One store owner across the street had closed his shop. Then stood on the roof with a shotgun, shooting at ANYONE who came too close. Saw someone die that day, just across the street from my building.

I was mugged in Los Angeles, stalked in Los Angeles, harassed in Los Angeles. Ya want police brutality, since that's one of the new "things" New Orleans people are talking about...hhhhhmmm does the name "Rodney King" come to mind? Or that one guy who got owned against the cop car at a gas station. Don't remember his name, sorry. Or the countless, almost daily police car chases. Those are fun to watch, by the way. That was NOT New Orleans. By the way, that kid at the gas station, TOTALLY deserved it. Sorry kids, I'm on the side of the COPS. (wee~oh~wee~oh~wee!!!)

Since I've been in New Orleans, I've only acquired one stalker. And he only shows up on special events in a small part of the Quarter. Never been mugged. I get harassed, but that's because of the drunks around the corner. Do not get me started in comparing the homeless population of NOLA and Los Angeles. Because again, LA is worse. On the 3rd Street Promenade in supposedly "beautiful" Santa Monica, you can't go TWO blocks without counting easily 100 bums. I am NOT exaggerating. But if you don't believe me, ask for some vacation time and go see for yourself.

I guess my point is, I'm SICK of listening to people bitch & moan and berate New Orleans like it's hell. Don't like New Orleans? MOVE!!!!! Save your money and get out. I left Los Angeles. I'll take the strange random shootings in New Orleans to any possible DAILY danger in Los Angeles. The rest of NOLA's crime is drugs and crimes of opportunity (ie: car break ins or pick pockets). And please save yourself from looking like a moron to assume other cities don't have these crimes. And gangs...NOLA doesn't have any "real" gangs. They have unorganized groups of thugs who do criminal activity...but they're no "18th St"...again, Los Angeles.

Siiiiigggghhhhh...that's it. Just read some bashing of NOLA due to a shooting and it pissed me off.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


I'm getting real freaking antsy about the sheriffs. Wish I'd get that call to go on with the rest of my application process. If it weren't for the damned hiring freeze, there would have been a class at the end of January and I would have been in it! I had my heart set on being with the sheriffs BEFORE Mardi Gras. Well, MG has come and gone and now we're looking down the barrel of St. Pats. Still no word from the sheriffs.

I just need something new. And I want law enforcement. And while I'm trying to play patient, I want it now. Alas, I dragged my ass and didn't apply until last November. Although I was interested in it LAST FREAKIN SUMMER. I did it with NOPD, too. Started asking questions in May of '07...didn't apply until that October. I think fear made me hesitate. Now I'm kicking myself because I could have already been training LAST year! Ya can't change the past. So there's no real reason to regret it. But I do. I could already be in academy at this point! Maybe...but I would have definitely been in by now. My fault. And my punishment is having to wait for this hiring freeze to be lifted. And who knows when that will happen.

Sigh...a few bad apples spoil the barrel. It's just a few employees that act out. But man, they really act out when it happens. Makes me dread going to work. Makes me cringe to even look at them or hear their voices. Overall, I really do love my job. But some days I just wanna throttle someone. Even though I do like this job, it is time to move on. I don't want to make anyone feel bad by saying that. It's just natural for me. There's nothing more I feel that I can do. And I wanna get my hands more dirty when it comes to dealing with the "suspects" in our area. I want to be able to physically handle someone. In our job, we can't. I'm ready to take the plunge and get into the force. Some say, "why not return to NOPD?"...good question and my good friends know why. And I'm not shutting the door on them forever. Just...I want to try the sheriffs now.

I don't know if I'm going through a depression or what. But I've had zero motivation around the house. Particularly, the laundry. Oh dear gawd, I just can't bring myself to do it. Now there's lazy and then there's THIS lazy. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I can't organize my room or thoughts these days.

At least I have been making an effort to take my iron and lots of vitamin C. This f***kn flu/cold deal is still lingering and I've been coughin up a lung every night. Makes sleeping a real b*tch! I'm hoping it gets the hint and goes away soon. Another thing that needs to end is this COLD WEATHER. WTF?!!!

Now the forecast says it'll warm up drastically come Thursday...but that doesn't help Wednesday. I'm tired of bundling up. I'm tired of it being so cold I can't fathom stepping outside on my day off. I want the warmth, dammit!

On a lighter note, I'm excited about St. Pats and especially the Irish Channel parade on the 14th. Wee!!!! I freakin LOVE that parade and thinks it's actually much better than most of the MG parades...more walking krewes, more and better throws. I mean seriously, how can you beat FOOD?! I must attempt to sleep. I wonder if Sam will read this??? After all, I re~activated this for him. MOOOO!!!!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Not sure what happened

For the life of me, I couldn't remember the password to this page. I re~created a google account and can now use this blog. I'm highly confused, but oh well.

As you can tell, it's been ages since I've posted in here (mainly because of password issue). I've been using myspace and facebook for my replacement.

I've got the Mardi Gras Crud and it's kicking my ass. I missed out on 2 fun things today because I couldn't get out of the house.

I'd like to thank my roommate Sam for pushing me to get back into this blog. I had to create an account just to comment on HIS blog ( )

I'm glad I'm back in because I regretted losing the old posts about my jewelry and such